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  • πŸš€ AI News: Trending AI Research + Trending AI Tools.. (July 25, 2023 Edition)

πŸš€ AI News: Trending AI Research + Trending AI Tools.. (July 25, 2023 Edition)

This newsletter brings AI research news that is much more technical than most resources but still digestible and applicable

πŸ”₯ Trending AI Research: Let’s learn something new from the trending papers.

πŸ›ŽοΈ Trending Tools: Check out some cool AI tools picked up by our editorial team.

Read Time: 3 Minutes

πŸ”₯Trending AI Research

1️⃣ Arizona State University Researchers introduce WOUAF: A novel AI approach to model fingerprinting that assigns responsibility for the generated images [Paper] [Project Page]

This paper presents a new model fingerprinting approach that ascribes responsibility for generated synthetic images, addressing the societal issues surrounding misinformation stemming from the use of hyper-realistic images produced by generative models. The approach modifies these generative models with a unique digital fingerprint that corresponds to each user, imprinting a unique identifier onto the output that can be traced back. This fingerprinting method is integrated with fine-tuning in Text-to-Image tasks using the Stable Diffusion Model, which provides near-perfect attribution accuracy and minimal effect on image quality. The method's security is thoroughly evaluated in scenarios involving a malicious user and one with in-depth knowledge of the method. The study also examines the method's resilience to different image post-processing manipulations. The research shows that the proposed method offers an innovative approach to accountable model distribution and responsible use.

Key Points:

  • The paper introduces a novel model fingerprinting approach to address the growing problem of misinformation caused by synthetic images generated from generative models.

  • The approach entails modifying generative models with each user's unique digital fingerprint, thus enabling traceability of generated content back to its user.

  • The fingerprinting method incorporates fine-tuning into Text-to-Image tasks using the Stable Diffusion Model.

  • The proposed method demonstrates high attribution accuracy and minimal impact on the output image quality.

  • The paper also rigorously evaluates the secrecy of the method in two scenarios: one involving a malicious user trying to detect the fingerprint and another where a user has a comprehensive understanding of the method.

  • The robustness of the approach against various image post-processing manipulations is also tested.

  • The research posits that the method offers a promising solution for accountable model distribution and responsible use of synthetic image-generating models.

2️⃣ Meet Brain2Music: a method for reconstructing music from brain activity captured using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) [Paper] [Project Page]

This paper presents a novel method for reconstructing music from human brain activity data collected via functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Two approaches were utilized - music retrieval and MusicLM, a music generation model conditioned on embeddings from the fMRI data. The resulting generated music exhibits similarities to the original stimuli experienced by the subjects in terms of genre, instrumentation, and mood. An investigation into the relationship between MusicLM components and brain activity was conducted using a voxel-wise encoding modeling analysis. Additionally, the paper explores which brain regions are activated in response to purely textual descriptions of music stimuli.

Key Points:

  • The study introduces a new method for reconstructing music from brain activity using fMRI data.

  • The method includes two approaches:

    • Music retrieval from fMRI data.

    • Utilizing the MusicLM music generation model, which is conditioned on embeddings derived from fMRI data.

  • The music produced from these methods aligns with the music stimuli experienced by human subjects, particularly in semantic properties like genre, instrumentation, and mood.

  • The relationship between different components of MusicLM and brain activity was examined through a voxel-wise encoding modeling analysis.

  • The study also discusses which specific brain regions represent information derived from purely textual descriptions of music stimuli.

3️⃣ KAIST Researchers Introduce FaceCLIPNeRF: a text-driven manipulation pipeline of a 3D face using deformable NeRF [Paper]

This paper introduces an innovative approach to manipulating 3D facial reconstruction using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). Traditional manipulation methods require substantial human input, including user-provided semantic masks and manual attribute searches, which are unsuitable for non-expert users. This new approach, however, only requires a single text input to manipulate the face. A latent code-conditional deformable NeRF, known as a scene manipulator, is trained to control facial deformation. The paper introduces a Position-conditional Anchor Compositor (PAC) that can effectively manage local deformations using spatially varying latent codes. The manipulated scene's renderings are then optimized to have high cosine similarity to a target text in the CLIP embedding space for text-driven manipulation. This new approach is presented as the first of its kind, and its efficacy is demonstrated through comprehensive results, comparisons, and ablation studies.

Key Points:

  • The paper proposes a novel approach for manipulating faces reconstructed with NeRF, requiring only a single text input, a significant improvement over existing methods that require extensive human labor.

  • A scene manipulator, a latent code-conditional deformable NeRF, is trained to control facial deformation using a latent code.

  • A new tool, Position-conditional Anchor Compositor (PAC), is proposed to handle local deformations using spatially varying latent codes, overcoming the limitations of representing a scene deformation with a single latent code.

  • The renderings of the manipulated scene are optimized to yield high cosine similarity to a target text in the CLIP embedding space, enabling effective text-driven manipulation.

  • This approach represents the first effort to address text-driven manipulation of a face reconstructed with NeRF.

  • The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated through extensive results, comparisons, and ablation studies.

πŸ›ŽοΈ Trending Tools

AdCreative AI: AdCreative AI can generate conversion-focused ad creatives and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds using Artificial Intelligence

Stylized Al: Turn sketches into studio-quality images. Stylized Al transforms hand-drawn input into visually stunning images using advanced rendering algorithms. It empowers artists and designers to bring their imagination to life.

Motion: Motion AI is a productivity tool that helps users manage their calendars, meetings, and projects.

Notion: Notion is aiming to increase its user base through the utilization of its advanced AI technology. Their latest feature, Notion AI, is a robust generative AI tool that assists users with tasks like note summarization, identifying action items in meetings, and creating and modifying text.

Bardeen Al plugin: Automate manual work with AI. Bardeen Al automates repetitive tasks, increasing efficiency and freeing time for more meaningful work.

Claid Al: Add compelling backgrounds to product photos. Claid Al blends product images with attractive backgrounds, enhancing their visual appeal. It creates an immersive shopping experience.

Baked: Turn ideas into art with AI. Baked transforms ideas into visually captivating art using AI algorithms. It helps visualize and share concepts innovatively and artistically.

Storybird AI: AI-powered platform for creating captivating stories. From children's books to company policies, unleash your creativity with ease. The Storybird plugin is a top choice in the ChatGPT plugin store, empowering storytellers with AI assistance. Unleash your imagination with Storybird.ai today.

Ellie: An email writing assistant that learns from your style. Ellie recommends phrasing, tone, and structure for effective email communication. It learns from your writing style.

Wonderslide: It generates presentation designs quickly, allowing users to create presentations within a short time. It offers necessary customization options to meet specific requirements.

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